Effectiveness of existential therapy on marital forgiveness and family function of women affected by marital infidelity

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Associate Prf. Department of Counseling\ Ardaka University, Ardakan, Iran

2 Assistant Prof. Department of Psychology\ Ardakan University, Ardakan, Iran

3 Master Graduated Ardakan University, Ardakan, Iran

4 Master GraduatedWelfare Organization, Social Emergency, Meybod, Iran


Purpose: The purpose of present study was to investigate effectiveness of existential therapy on marital forgiveness and family function of women affected by marital infidelity.
Method: A single-case study design was used and four women affected by marital infidelity were selected through purposeful sampling method. The subjects completed the family forgiveness scale (Pollard & et al, 1998) and the general subscale of McMaster family assessment device (Epstein & et al, 1983) in baseline, treatment, and follow-up stages. The participants individually received 8-session intervention of existential therapy and the assessment was performed in four baseline stages, four treatment stages and two follow-up stages. The data were analyzed using graph analysis, improvement percentile rank and reliable change index.
Findings: The results showed clinically and statistically significant improvements in forgiveness and family functioning after receiving the treatment. After two months of follow-up, the differences were maintained, indicating the sustainability of the therapeutic effects.


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