In this paper this question id going to be discussed: how and in what quality the laboratory experiments in high school physic text book should be performed? some data has been collected by direct visiting of some schools, considering the situation of laboratories, and interviewing wiht the heads of laboratories and scientific quizes for students. The present situation is compared with the ideal one to judge and analyze the data about the procedures of performing the experiments. It was found that there is a prominent distance between the present situation and the ideal one in the following are us:
The situation of laboratories.
The potentiality of human ability.
The procedure of student's performing of the experimants.
Student's tendency, participation, contribution, and learning.
The problem of physic laboratories remains in lack of facilities, although the human force has got the suitable quality, but student participation in performing the experiments is poor and learning is not in its convincing possibility. Therefore, it is suggested to provide practical policius and strategies for performing the experiments of physics text books and, besides, principals should have special favours and regarding to this principle base for coming scintific progresses and developments of technology based upon invovation.
Keywords: Evaluation, lesson planing, performing the lesson, plan. Experimant, physics, High school, Performing the textbook Experiments.
mosapor, N. and behzadpor, F. (2005). The Evaluation in Performing of Physics Experiments of High School Text book. Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 06(2), -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v6i2.6727
mosapor, N. , and behzadpor, F. . "The Evaluation in Performing of Physics Experiments of High School Text book", Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 06, 2, 2005, -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v6i2.6727
mosapor, N., behzadpor, F. (2005). 'The Evaluation in Performing of Physics Experiments of High School Text book', Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 06(2), pp. -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v6i2.6727
N. mosapor and F. behzadpor, "The Evaluation in Performing of Physics Experiments of High School Text book," Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 06 2 (2005): -, doi: 10.22067/ijap.v6i2.6727
mosapor, N., behzadpor, F. The Evaluation in Performing of Physics Experiments of High School Text book. Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 2005; 06(2): -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v6i2.6727
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