Investigating the attitude of Iranian universities chancellors to collegial planning based on systemic and linear-analytic paradigm is the main purpose of this study. All of the universities? chancellors had been considered as subjects of this research. Although, referring to ability of forecasting, the findings showed that the universities chancellors took a point of view toward systematic paradigm, but there were many evidences that support us to making this result that most of the participants took an approaches to linear-analytic paradigm in regard of the three main con cepts including time, evaluation and goal back to the higher education in Iran. It means that, the time is returnable, previous events could be reproducible in the future, evaluation use just for controlling and reporting to superiors and the goals could be considered unchangeable. Finally, it seems that the dominant viewpoint in the universities is linear-analytic.
Keywords: attitude, universities chancellors, linear-analytic and systemic
bazrafshan moghadam, M. , norshahi, N. and porshafei, H. (2005). The Attitude of Universities' Chancellors to Collegia! Planning in Iran. Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 06(2), -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v6i2.6728
bazrafshan moghadam, M. , , norshahi, N. , and porshafei, H. . "The Attitude of Universities' Chancellors to Collegia! Planning in Iran", Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 06, 2, 2005, -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v6i2.6728
bazrafshan moghadam, M., norshahi, N., porshafei, H. (2005). 'The Attitude of Universities' Chancellors to Collegia! Planning in Iran', Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 06(2), pp. -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v6i2.6728
M. bazrafshan moghadam , N. norshahi and H. porshafei, "The Attitude of Universities' Chancellors to Collegia! Planning in Iran," Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 06 2 (2005): -, doi: 10.22067/ijap.v6i2.6728
bazrafshan moghadam, M., norshahi, N., porshafei, H. The Attitude of Universities' Chancellors to Collegia! Planning in Iran. Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 2005; 06(2): -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v6i2.6728
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