The main objective of this study is to assess the cultural identification of Guidance School students based on the extend of their cultural awareness and attitudes.
To conduct the study a 37item scale was designed and its validity and reliability was tested and verified. By conducting cluster sampling procedure a sample of 600students (302 female&298 male) out of a target population of 79151students were selected and participated in the study by responding to the scale. The collected data was analysised via t-test, ANOVA, scheffe post hoc test and Chi-Square, utilizing SPSS package.The following results were concluded:
1-It was observed that the cultural identification mean of students was higher than scale expected mean (Me=111
khademi, M. , Saketi, P. and falahi, V. (2007). A Survey of Cultural Identity (awareness and attitude) of Guidance School Students in Shiraz. Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 08(2), -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v8i2.6751
khademi, M. , , Saketi, P. , and falahi, V. . "A Survey of Cultural Identity (awareness and attitude) of Guidance School Students in Shiraz", Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 08, 2, 2007, -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v8i2.6751
khademi, M., Saketi, P., falahi, V. (2007). 'A Survey of Cultural Identity (awareness and attitude) of Guidance School Students in Shiraz', Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 08(2), pp. -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v8i2.6751
M. khademi , P. Saketi and V. falahi, "A Survey of Cultural Identity (awareness and attitude) of Guidance School Students in Shiraz," Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 08 2 (2007): -, doi: 10.22067/ijap.v8i2.6751
khademi, M., Saketi, P., falahi, V. A Survey of Cultural Identity (awareness and attitude) of Guidance School Students in Shiraz. Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 2007; 08(2): -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v8i2.6751
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