The present research has discussed the relation of child – rering practices with self – efficacy and mental health of high school grade two students of Mohabad in 1383 – 1384. The research is a survey – correlation one. Statistical calculations have been conducted by SPSS software. The volume of sample studied included 360 persons, 193 males and 167 females. The sampling is multi-stage random. Collecting the data was conducted by questionnaire of chafer child –rearing practices, self – efficiency of Sherz and colleagues and general health of Goldberg and Hiller. In order to testing hypothesis and questions, through statistical inference it was characterized that there is a meaningful difference between self – efficacy of the students whose pants had chiild – rearing practices, mental health of the students with different child – rearing practices experience differ meaningfully. There is a positive and meaningful relation between mental health and self-efficacy. There is not meaningful Difference between mental health of male and female students. Child – rearing practice of students is different regarding their course. Self – efficacy of the students is not different in various courses. The students educating in different courses have not meaningful difference for mental health. There is not meaningful difference between males and females for self-efficacy.
Keywords: child- rearing practices, self – efficacy, mental health
hoseininasab, D. , Ahmadian, F. and ravanbakhsh, H. (2008). Relation of child – rearing practices with self – efficacy and mental health of students. Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 09(1), -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v9i1.6815
hoseininasab, D. , , Ahmadian, F. , and ravanbakhsh, H. . "Relation of child – rearing practices with self – efficacy and mental health of students", Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 09, 1, 2008, -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v9i1.6815
hoseininasab, D., Ahmadian, F., ravanbakhsh, H. (2008). 'Relation of child – rearing practices with self – efficacy and mental health of students', Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 09(1), pp. -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v9i1.6815
D. hoseininasab , F. Ahmadian and H. ravanbakhsh, "Relation of child – rearing practices with self – efficacy and mental health of students," Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 09 1 (2008): -, doi: 10.22067/ijap.v9i1.6815
hoseininasab, D., Ahmadian, F., ravanbakhsh, H. Relation of child – rearing practices with self – efficacy and mental health of students. Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 2008; 09(1): -. doi: 10.22067/ijap.v9i1.6815
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