The Effectiveness of CPRT Therapy Method in Decreasing Symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children of Divorce

Document Type : پژوهشی


Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of CPRT therapy in decreasing separation anxiety disorder symptoms in children of divorce.
Method: The method of this study is semi-experimental and the design is implemented by a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population included all divorced parents whose children were 2-6 years old and had symptoms of separation anxiety disorder. Sampling conducted by a Purposive, non-random method with screening , In order to estimate the sample population, Cohen table was applied. The samples of the current research were collected by referring to kindergartens and the Judiciary of Mashhad. According to the SAAS-P questionnaire, 35 children declared their readiness and then randomly these subjects were divided into experimental (17 subjects) and control groups (18 objects). The experimental group had 10 sessions of CPRT therapy while the control group had no training. After training, a test was conducted for both groups. Then, data obtained from covariance analysis showed a significant reduction analyzed.
Findings: The results of covariance analysis showed a significant reduction in symptoms of separation anxiety in the experimental group. In addition, CPRT therapy on parents can reduce the symptoms of separation anxiety in children.


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