Peer Review Process


Peer-review Process

  1. Authors must register their manuscripts through the journal's online submission platform, completing their profiles, uploading the manuscript in the specified format, and attaching any required supplementary files.
  2. The editor-in-chief and editorial board are pleased to announce that the manuscript has been accepted for publication
  3. We kindly request that you provide the revised manuscript, addressing the structural issues identified in our comments. Please also submit any missing or incomplete files
  4. We submitted the manuscript for peer review to two experts in the field;
  5. Two referees review the manuscript and complete an evaluation form, providing the editor-in-chief with an assessment of the article's quality and quantity. At this stage, three distinct outcomes are possible:


    1. If two referees recommend rejection, the manuscript is withdrawn from consideration for publication in the journal, and the corresponding author is notified.
    2. If the referees recommend major or minor revisions, the manuscript is returned to the authors for careful consideration and necessary modifications.
    3. If the appointed referees fail to meet the specified review deadline, the manuscript is re-assigned to a fresh panel of reviewers.


  1. Please resubmit the revised manuscript by the corresponding author, accompanied by a table outlining the authors' responses to the reviewers' comments, within two weeks of receiving this request.
  2. We will Submit the revised manuscript for a second round of peer review
  3. Announcing the Referees' Final Verdict on the Manuscript's Fate
  4. Approval of the review process by the editor-in-chief or editorial board’s members;
  5. Upon completion of the review process, the corresponding author will be notified of the decision. If the manuscript is accepted, it will proceed to the editing stage
  6. The expected publication timeline for accepted manuscripts is influenced by the overall volume of accepted manuscripts

This journal employs a double-blind peer review process, ensuring that both the reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the review process. Typically, the entire review process, from initial submission to final decision on acceptance or rejection, takes between 8 and 10 weeks



Additional notes

  1. The views expressed in the articles are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the journal or its editors.
  2. The order in which the articles appear in the journal does not indicate any ranking or assessment of their scientific merit or the authors' credentials.
  3. The authors are solely responsible for the accuracy and content of their articles.
  4. The journal reserves the right to edit, summarize, and arrange the content of articles in accordance with its editorial standards.
  5. Articles that do not adhere to the journal's formatting guidelines will be returned to the corresponding author. If the author fails to address the formatting issues and resubmit the manuscript within one month, the manuscript will be withdrawn from the review process.
  6. Citation of the journal's content is permitted provided that the source is appropriately acknowledged.