Evaluation effectiveness or Struetured Reality Therapy Marriage Counseling on reduce the PTSD of infidelity and increase the intimacy relationship whit spouse

Document Type : پژوهشی



Purpose this study is investigation the effectiveness of Structured Reality Therapy Marriage Counseling on reduce the symptom and signs psychological in women who aware of their spouse communication or relationship whit anther women. The question is that whether apply the Structured Reality Therapy Marriage Counseling reduces the psychological symptom consequent of PTSD infidelity that had measured by SCL90 .subject selected from couples that refer to National Youth Organization and Welfare Organization. From 65 couples who had referred, 40 couples volunteer for couple counseling. From 40 couples, 30 couples had selected and divide random tow groups. One of them is control group and another is experimental group. First performed pretest and then performed structural reality couple therapy whit experimental group and after 3 weeks terminus of treatment, perform post test. Results indicate that employ Struetured Reality Therapy Marriage Counseling, increase the involvement affect ,encouragement couple to evaluate their interaction behavior with them and apply the solving circle product increase intimacy relationship and reduce the signs and symptom psychological produced by PTSD of infidelity.

KEY WORDS: infidelity, reality therapy ,couple therapy couple counseling